Every baby can benefit from chiropractic. Here’s why.


The question is inevitable. Every time I mention I’m a pediatric chiropractor, I know it’s coming.

“You can adjust a baby!?” 

People are always fascinated with the mechanics of it. Do babies like getting adjusted? Do you “crack” their back? (for the record: no, I apply gentle pressure to their nervous system, and that usually makes them poop.)

I’ve told people how I adjust babies countless times. But less often do I get to explain the all-important why I adjust babies.



 Chiropractic requires a deep understanding of the ultra-complex human body. But its philosophy is much simpler. Chiropractic pioneer D.D. Palmer summed it up like this:

“There’s a vast difference between treating symptoms and adjusting the cause.”

That’s my approach with every patient. I’m like a detective, peeling back the layers of symptoms to discover the true underlying neurological cause.

Often times, these issues begin in our developmental years. Babies are fragile. Birth is traumatic. Add in learning to walk, exposure to chemicals and emotional stress and you’re bound to develop some level of dysfunction in the nervous system early on.

Adjusting babies and children allows me to nip these problems in the bud, so to speak. My work restores the function of their nervous system, which is especially crucial when you’re growing and developing as fast as kids are. And it can help clear up common conditions like ear infections, colic, latching issues and so on. 

And there’s nothing better than seeing my precious little patients grow to be happy, healthy humans.